If you've ever tasted halloumi which is a semi-hard unripened goat cheese and sheep's milk, then you've probably liked it either grilled or in a fry. Its firm texture means this dairy item can be cooked to high temperatures and not lose its structure. Cooking methods such as grilling or frying can produce a meat-like main meal with attractive crisp browning on the exterior.
Halloumi originated from Cyprus and has been grown for many centuries. This robust Mediterranean staple is relatively new in America, but has gained popularity in Canada in the last few years.
Agar-salt solution is used to make the rooster halloumi is known to have plenty of sodium however it's also high in protein and calcium. One portion of halloumi is 40 percent of the daily value of calcium, and the same amount of protein as eggs.
Are you ready to eat halloumi? Here's everything you should be aware of halloumi's nutritional elements as well as its health benefits.
Halloumi Cheese Nutrition Facts

Because halloumi is made of sheep's or goat's milk (and occasionally, a little made from milk of cows) it is able to retain some carbohydrates from lactose, a natural sugar that occurs in milk.
In a single serving of halloumi you'll get seven grams of saturated fat. About 5 to 6 percent of your daily calories should be derived from saturated fat. If you follow a 2,000-calorie diet, the 4 grams of halloumi provide approximately 31 percent of your daily goal.
Halloumi is a dish that contains a significant amount of protein. Its 6 grams offer 12 percent of the daily requirement for 50g.
Vitamins and Minerals
Two minerals are prominent in halloumi's micronutrient profile: sodium and calcium. This cheese that is firm is a great source of calcium with 390 milligrams of calcium per serving. (That's 60% of the recommended daily amount!) However, what isn't as beneficial is the amount of sodium in halloumi. A staggering 350 milligrams (15 percent of the recommended 2300 milligrams of sodium daily) are contained in 1 ounce serving.

It's not surprising (it can be described as a cheese at the end of the day!) halloumi isn't considered to be a low-calorie food. One ounce of halloumi contains 90 calories.
Health Benefits
Calcium Builds Healthy Bones
You are likely to be familiar with calcium as the nutrient that helps build bone. Because halloumi is a major source in this mineral, it may help improve bone mineral density and aid in the process of regenerating bones.
Protein Promotes Muscle Growth
Protein is a vital component within the body. Halloumi's high protein content in the form of six grams is able to increase muscle mass, produce hormones and enzymes, and strengthen the immune system.
Can help prevent Diabetes

It's not often thought of as a food that is healthy however, recent studies have offered some proof for this delicious dairy product. This includes the possibility that it could be able to protect against diabetes.
A large study of more than 37,000 women revealed that those who consumed more dairy during their teens would be less likely to get diabetes. Another comprehensive review in 2019 concluded that general dairy consumption was linked to less risk of developing the disease.
Compatible with high-fat diets and other Special Diets
Thanks to its significant percent of calories from fat (70 percent to be precise) halloumi is able to earn its place in a high-fat diet like keto. Anyone who is on low-carb or gluten-free diets may easily include halloumi cheese.
Good choice for people with lactose intolerance
There is a spectrum of lactose intolerance in people, some can eat almost any cheese, while others end up having stomach problems after a piece of pizza. If you suffer from lactose intolerance halloumi could be less of a burden for your digestive system than other cheeses. It's because goat's milk contains little or no lactose than cow's milk.
A good sources of fat-soluble vitamins

Halloumi is a great vitamin source that is fat-soluble, particularly vitamin A. 3.5 Oz (100 grams) freshly prepared halloumi has 1073 IU (36 percent of the RDI) of the vitamin.
Essential to the health of mucosa, hair, and skin
Together with flavonoids and vitamin A, it is a key component in the overall health of mucosas, skin and hair. It's also a crucial component of good night vision. The consumption of foods that are naturally rich in flavonoids has been proven to protect against esophagus and lung cancers and oral tooth cancers.
Fresh halloumi is a great source of many essential B-complex vitamins including folates, Riboflavin and thiamin. It also contains pyridoxine, thiamin as well as pantothenic acid.