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Is It Good To Take Beetroot Everyday

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

Beetroots are very nutritious and can benefit the body in many ways. However, before you start adding beetroot to your diet, you need to understand that too much of it might not be as good for you as it was originally thought, here's why.

Beetroot is available all year round, but its peak season is between July and March.

Beetroot is a highly nutritious and healthy vegetable. It has a variety of health benefits including lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer and enhancing the immune system. However, it also contains nitrates which can enhance exercise performance if taken before workouts.

Source of Beetroot

Beetroot is a good source of iron, vitamin C, beta-carotene and manganese. It is also very low in calories, which makes it an excellent food to include in your diet if you are trying to lose weight or maintain your weight.

A recent study has shown that the consumption of beetroot juice may reduce blood pressure and improve vascular function in people with hypertension. The researchers found that drinking beetroot juice for three weeks resulted in significant improvements in blood pressure and vascular function compared to those who did not drink beetroot juice. However, there have been no studies on the effects of consuming beets on people without hypertension.

Beetroot is a vegetable that is used in many dishes. It has been shown to have several health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, anti-inflammatory properties, improved bone health and greater nitric oxide production.

Benefits Of Beetroots

Beetroot contains a wide variety of nutrients, including folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and B2. Beetroots also contain betaine which helps the body digest proteins, reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and increases energy levels by converting food into energy more efficiently.

The following are some of the benefits of beetroot:

  • Prevents Cancer

Beets contain antioxidants that protect against free radicals and help prevent cancer formation in the body. The antioxidants present in beets are also responsible for preventing the premature ageing of cells.

  • Prevents Heart Disease

The high levels of nitrates found in beets help prevent heart disease by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. They also regulate blood sugar levels by reducing insulin resistance and improving insulin sensitivity thereby preventing diabetes.

  • Helps Control Diabetes

Beets are rich in fibre that helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics; they also contain large amounts of folic acid that helps control.

  • Boosting Immunity

The antioxidants found in beetroot help fight against infections and diseases. They also help prevent oxidative damage to cells, which can lead to premature ageing and diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Supporting Liver Health

The liver plays an important role in detoxifying your body by filtering blood and removing toxins from your system. It’s also responsible for producing bile acids that aid digestion by helping break down fats into smaller particles that are easier to digest. Beets contain betaine, an amino acid that helps boost liver function and protect it from damage caused by alcohol consumption or exposure to harmful chemicals like pesticides or pollution from cars or factories.

  • Lowering blood pressure

Beets contain nitrates which can help lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and reducing inflammation throughout the body by inhibiting the production of certain enzymes that cause inflammation which can lead to heart disease.

How Can Use The Beetroot

Beetroots are available in the market throughout the year. They are available in fresh, frozen and canned forms. Fresh beetroot should be stored in the refrigerator or at cool temperatures (not below 10 degrees Celsius). Fresh beetroot does not need peeling before cooking. However, if you want to peel the skin off before cooking, then you can do so by taking off the outermost layer with a vegetable peeler or knife. You can store cooked beetroot in the refrigerator for one day only in an airtight container.

To store cooked beetroot for more than one day, freeze them in an airtight container or ziplock bag and use it within three months of freezing them.

Final words

Beetroot is a natural blood purifier, and blood sugar regulator and it is a great source of nitrates. It is tasty and works as an antioxidant as well. You can use fresh beetroot in salads or you can also use pickled beetroot to make sandwiches or pizzas. It's advisable to have beetroot juice or salad daily, but only in moderate amounts.


How much beetroot should I eat daily?

One medium-sized beetroot is enough for one person’s daily consumption. If you are consuming more than one, then make sure that you have a good balance of other nutrients in your diet too.

Is beetroot safe during pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe to consume beetroots during pregnancy but do not overdo it as they are high in nitrates which can cause harm to your baby if consumed in large quantities.

Can I eat raw beetroot?

You can eat raw beetroot but its taste won't be as good as cooked beetroot. You can slice the raw beetroot into thin slices and add it to your salads or sandwiches.

Is beetroot safe during breastfeeding?

Yes, beetroots are safe for breastfeeding mothers as they contain no harmful chemicals that can harm your baby. Beetroots are rich in folic acid, which helps in the production of red blood cells by ensuring an adequate supply of oxygen to the body cells including the brain cells of your growing baby!

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